Buffalo and Niagra Falls September, 2003

Hover over pictures for a description. Click the picture for a larger view

The American Side

The falls from the American side The falls, and my thumb from the American side Maid of the Mist loading Maid of the Mist going into the falls Maid of the Mist returning
This way to Canada You can't turn back now! The falls, taken from the Rainbow Bridge Horseshoe Falls The International Border

The Canadian Side

American Falls Horseshoe Falls Ahhh.. now I get it.. Rainbow Village The sign says 'Walkway to the USA' but we clearly have the 'No Crossing Doug seeking out the protection of the Mounties
The Rainbow Bridge The gardens overlooking the falls American Falls Horseshoe Falls Entrance to the USA (by the way, cost to get into Canada $0, cost to get into the US 50cents)

Extra Goodies

Anchor Bar, birthplace of Buffalo Wings My single order of wings, mild Jeff and I Lance, Jeff, me, Chris, Ken, Brian The Happy Couple